

Change Log

When What
April 8th, 2015 Donated by Abram Hindle

About the Data

Overview of Data

This collection includes data about various aspects of Debian in the same SQL database. It allows users to easily access and combine all these data.

Data currently being imported include: Packages and Sources files, from Debian and Ubuntu, Bugs from the Debian BTS, Popularity contest, History of uploads, History of migrations to testing, Lintian, Orphaned packages, Carnivore, Debtags, Ubuntu bugs (from Launchpad), Packages in NEW queue, DDTP translations.

Note: Some of the data has been partitioned with 7zip to accommodate the very large file sizes.

1) Ultimate Debian Database: lots of various Debian data in a SQL database.

20090913.udd.sql.gz udd.sql.gz

2) A bunch of FreeBSD data including SVN mirror, mail history, bug history, indentation metrics and others all collected around the same time:

Extracted Repos

freebsd-svn-20090916.tar.bz2 (full freebsd svn mirror)

freebsd-mail-archive-20090913.tar-split (mail archive of freebsd project)

freebsd-20090913.tar.bz2-split (freebsd everything except extracted data)

freebsd-gnats-20090913.tar.bz2 (freebsd bug emails)

Analyzed Repositories

Freebsd indentation analyzed + mccabe and halstead per diff chunk


freebsd-20090913-cvsanaly-mysql-dump.txt.bz2 (freebsd CVSAnalY dump)

ports-20090913-cvsanaly-mysql-dump.txt.bz2 (freebsd ports CVSAnalY dump)

freebsd_bugs.sql.bz2 The FreeBSD bugo repo parsed by Israel Herraiz

freebsd_crex_output.bz2 The FreeBSD CVS repo parsed with CREX by Emad Shihab bzip2 compressed (20MB)

freebsd_crex_output.bz2 The FreeBSD CVS repo parsed with CREX by Emad Shihab in RAR Format (20MB)

The files

freebsd-20090913-cvsanaly-mysql-dump.txt.bz2 (freebsd CVSAnalY dump)

ports-20090913-cvsanaly-mysql-dump.txt.bz2 (freebsd ports CVSAnalY dump)

freebsd-indentation-metrics-20090913.tar.bz2 (freebsd ports indentation metrics dump)

freebsd-gnats-20090913.tar.bz2 (freebsd bug emails)

20090913.udd.sql.gz (ubuntu debian database)

svnmirror-base-r179637.tbz2 (original freebsd svn mirror)

freebsd-svn-20090916.tar.bz2 (full freebsd svn mirror)

freebsd-mail-archive-20090913.tar-split (mail archive of freebsd project)

freebsd-20090913.tar.bz2-split (freebsd everything except extracted data)