When | What |
March 26th, 2015 | Donated by The STAR group |
The authors ran their prototype on 47 methods of 7 classes taken from the Stack Java Standard Library and the Graphstream library. 123 equivalent method sequences were automatically synthesized, which represent more than 87% of the 141 sequences that were manually identified by the authors by inspecting the classes documentation. Those that could not be found due to the limitations of the prototype were excluded.
The authors have made available a replication package, containing both the subjects and the data collected during their experiments. It is available at http://star.inf.usi.ch/sb-synthesis.
This paper proposes a search-based technique to synthesize sequences of method invocations that are equivalent to a target method within a finite set of execution scenarios. The experimental results obtained on 47 methods from 7 classes show that the proposed approach correctly identifies equivalent method sequences in the majority of the cases where redundancy was known to exist, with very few false positives.